book a consultation

I would love to help you grow some of your own food!

Growing your own food and gardening in general, can be so fun, rewarding, and therapeutic. But I know getting started can be overwhelming, and once you get going things can sometimes get frustrating.

For quite a few years now I’ve been helping friends and family with their gardens. I’ve helped to pick out the perfect garden location, planned what types of growing methods to use, discussed what and when to plant, and have been there to help troubleshoot. My passion for gardening runs deep, and I absolutely love to help others dream up their garden space and help make those dreams a reality. I would love to help you in the same way!

During a consultation I will use my gardening experience to give you personalized advice for your garden and space. Together we can brainstorm and dream, and then make a plan to build a garden that provides you lots of delicious food, requires less maintenance than you may think, and creates a beautiful haven in your own backyard.

There is really no bad time to start thinking about your garden, so contact me whenever works for you!

During consultations I can do things like:

  • Help choose the perfect location, with a mind for sun exposure, ease of access, and beauty.

  • Discuss different gardening methods and layouts. In my own garden I grow in: raised beds, in ground rows, raised mound beds, straw bales, vertically, and in containers. I can explain the pro’s and con’s of each method to decide what is the perfect fit for you and your space.

  • Offer advice on which fruits and vegetables grow well in our area, as well as variety recommendations, and when to plant.

  • Explain easy, practical systems that set your garden up for success and dramatically lower gardening maintenance.

  • Discuss plant spacing and lighting requirements, and help plan layouts.

  • Assess current gardens and provide ideas for improvement, as well as troubleshooting lingering problems.

  • Share ideas on how to increase yield so you can grow more in the space you have.

  • Recommend preserving recipes for your harvest.

  • Offer design ideas to make your garden not only a productive, but beautiful space.


Consultation Pricing:

  • 1 hour on-site consultation:

    • $150 + mileage cost from Brooklyn, WI.

  • 1 hour video consultation:

    • $100

Consultation pricing includes a resource document to recap what we talk about. This document will cover your specific questions, and also include a ton of additional resources and advice.

I don’t want money to be a barrier to you starting your own garden. If my pricing doesn’t fit your budget please reach out. I would be happy to discuss what could be a better price for you, or would we could trade some hours spent helping me in my garden for a consultation.


let’s get growing!